eConsult Transcript
PCP submission
20 y/o Female patient comes to the Clinic for pre-operative medical evaluation. Patient medical Hx is relevant for iron deficiency anemia due to blood loss, seen by Hematology, s/p iron infusion in 01/2021. As per patient she was seen by GYN, U/S was performed and the result was negative, she was instructed to lose weight. Also, she has h/o prediabetes and hyperlipidemia. The patient will undergo Gastric Sleeve Surgery by Dr. XXXX on 04/12/2021. The patient feels well and at the moment does not have acute complaints.
Vital signs: BMI: 54.91 Rest WNL
Medications: Metformin 500mg BID
Does the patient need to be sent for Cardiology clearance?
Specialist response
Thank you for sharing this case.EKG is normal sinus arrhythmia with no acute abnormalities. This EKG would not be a contraindication for general anesthesia or the proposed procedure.