Are you a primary care practice owner or clinician looking to support patients with specialty care?
Access 140+ specialties
Rapidly connect to the largest, most extensive virtual specialist network
Reduce the need for outside referrals
Treat patients within your primary care practice
Improve care plans and patient satisfaction
Get same day specialty insights for your patients
The preferred eConsult solution for primary care practices across the US.
Deliver a better primary care experience with eConsult+
specialties and sub-specialties
improve the care plan
avoid unnecessary referrals
median turnaround time
Up to
$500savings per consult
RubiconMD can be used to:
- Ask a question
- Consult for a patient
- Improve quality of referrals
- Gain Insight
- Interpret a lab
- Review medications
Want a demo?
To see the platform in action schedule a demo today.
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