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We integrate with most major vendors to seamlessly fit into everyday clinical workflows.

RubiconMD User Interface illustration

We offer custom EHR integrations and integrations with the following

eClinicalWorks Logo
Ochin Logo
Athena Health Logo
Google Logo
ReferWell Logo

Seamless workflows

Devices icon Clinician Single Sign On

This service will enable single-sign on to RubiconMD’s web-based platform. Provider will not be prompted to enter username or password.

Sunrise over mountains icon New eConsult

Information related to patient demographics and eConsult form data may be pulled in, depending on the client’s EHR or integration capabilities.

Checklist icon eConsult PDF Return

Service will send a PDF record of the eConsult on closure. Client EHR IT team manages where documents are filed in the EHR and any additional notifications.

Technologies we support

RubiconMD offers support for many different technologies to allow interoperability across a fragmented EHR space

  • SAML 2.0
  • OAuth 2.0
  • HL7*
  • FHIR
  • Some EHR specific APIs*
  • SCIM
*Powered by
Doctor at her desk looking at her phone, with a pen in hand ready to write down results.

Want to learn more?

To learn more about our integration capabilities and future integrations, contact support [AT]

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Download the White Paper

Explore real examples of specialty care eConsults providing efficient and effective support for medication review and reconciliation.