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eConsult Programs

Explore eConsult solutions to close your specialty care gaps and deliver more targeted care.

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Modernize your primary care model

Integrate specialty care into your model and achieve the Quadruple Aim with programmatic eConsults.


Anticipate care needs for a defined patient cohort


Empowers the whole clinical team to deliver specialty care


Programmatically ensures optimal care planning

Reduce PCP admin

Removes submission and follow-up burden

Improve quality

Address gaps in care or quality measures


Deliver standardized, consistent chronic care

How it works

eConsults for disease

Proven to deliver

Improved quality of care and outcomes for diabetes, hypertension, and other chronic conditions.¹

ROI ranges from 2:1 to 6:1²

ProConsult+ offers a way to further enhance your ROI with your disease management program.

I have found ProConsults to be very helpful for me, for both personal and professional growth! This has brought about a wealth of expertise and helps foster a holistic and collaborative approach towards patient care.

Dr. Chi Doan Huynh, MD – Ryan Health

Customize your eConsult programs

Current clinical programs we are supporting to deliver more comprehensive patient care

Abnormal Cardiac Diagnostics


Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Wound Care

Dermatologic Legions

Hepatitis C Initiation

Medication Reconciliation

Mild Anxiety/Depression

Obesity Management

Substance Abuse Management

Uncontrolled Diabetes

Uncontrolled Hypertension

How it works

Step 1

Determine target population

Step 2

Establish clinical criteria

Step 3

Select patients & enroll cohort in eConsult program

Step 4

Clinical staff submits consults

Step 5

Specialist reviews cases & provides recommendations

PCP reviews insights & delivers care

Schedule a consult

Collaborative, proactive chronic care

With programmatic consults, members of the care team can submit and manage responses on behalf of a PCP.

Let’s connect about your
population health goals.

Contact us


  1. Reynolds, R., Dennis, S., Hasan, I. et al. A systematic review of chronic disease management interventions in primary care. BMC Fam Pract 19, 11 (2018). N nn.
  2. Goetzel RZ, Ozminkowski RJ, Villagra VG, Duffy J. Return on investment in disease management: a review. Health Care Financ Rev. 2005 Summer;26(4):1-19. PMID: 17288065; PMCID: PMC4194913.
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Explore real examples of specialty care eConsults providing efficient and effective support for medication review and reconciliation.