The Benefits of eConsults: Literature Review
Electronic consults, or “eConsults” are asynchronous communications that empower primary care physicians with expert guidance and a present a platform…
Over the past decade, eConsults between primary care providers and specialists have proven to enhance care quality and access. Equally important, eConsults reduce medical costs for both patients and providers when compared with traditional referrals. A 2019 study in the American Journal of Managed Care showed that eConsults can deliver a 20% reduction in costs related to specialty care.1
Patients who face access challenges, such as difficulty navigating the healthcare system, financial constraints, and lack of transportation, may be unable to complete a specialist referral. The short-term and long-term costs of incomplete referrals can only be estimated. Still, worsening patient conditions, medication safety issues, and ER visits result in higher healthcare costs. Simultaneously, unnecessary face-to-face referrals burden the healthcare system with longer wait times, drive higher costs for all, and further contribute to incomplete referrals.
By empowering primary care teams to treat patients with specialty needs within the primary care setting, eConsults ensure that patients receive the care they need while avoiding unnecessary referrals. Let’s dive into five key ways eConsults reduce costs and make healthcare more affordable:
Many patients face limited access to specialty care, particularly in underserved or rural areas. In fact, with 35-60% of traditional face-to-face referrals, the patient doesn’t complete the visit.2-5 eConsults bridge this gap, enabling PCPs who serve populations with insufficient specialty care resources to obtain specialist input without the logistical and financial burdens of patient travel and long wait times.
For many specialties, wait times spanning anywhere from weeks to months are a major barrier to access. Several studies have shown that eConsults improve communication between PCPs and specialists,6 and reduce unnecessary face-to-face referrals4, thereby improving both average wait times and referral completeness rates.
Many face-to-face referrals result in unnecessary visits and escalated costs for patients. eConsults allow PCPs to seek specialists’ input electronically, managing many conditions effectively, and efficiently, at the primary care level. When unneeded referrals are eliminated, overall healthcare costs decline and in-person visits are accessible to the patients who need them most.
Several studies have demonstrated that eConsults dramatically reduce the number of in-person specialist visits needed by up to 70%.7-8 This data is consistent with what we’ve seen in client data at RubiconMD. Primary care clinics treating Medicare/Medicaid populations save hundreds of dollars per eConsult on average, before factoring in any cost savings outside of avoided referral cost, which can double or triple that amount.
By shifting appropriate cases to primary care management, eConsults optimize specialists’ time and resource utilization. eConsults lower the cost of care for patients and also reduces the burden on the healthcare system as a whole by enabling specialists to focus on more complex cases in person.8
Years of research have confirmed that eConsults facilitate more efficient operations and better patient outcomes. Specialist availability for critical cases improves, enhancing overall care quality while also reducing costs.9-10
Timely access to specialist advice allows PCPs to adopt a proactive approach to patient care, preventing minor issues from escalating into severe, costly complications that may require intensive treatment or hospitalization. Medication management and “watch and wait” plans are examples of the ways eConsults can prevent costly patient complications. Many studies have shown that eConsults result in PCPs adopting a new course of treatment, highlighting the efficacy of early specialist consultation.11
According to research by Liddy et al. in Annals of Family Medicine, eConsults contribute to early interventions that curb the progression of disease, subsequently reducing hospital admissions and emergency department visits. This preventative measure is crucial in managing healthcare costs effectively.12
eConsults foster collaboration and communication between healthcare providers. This integrated approach ensures that patients receive cohesive and coordinated care, reducing the likelihood of redundant tests and procedures. Within the primary care team, delegation of eConsult submission to a medical assistant, scribe, nurse or referral coordinator empowers those team members to specialist insights, while preserving PCP time for patient care.
A review in the Journal of Medical Internet Research indicated that eConsults enhance care coordination and reduce duplication of services, which translates to significant cost savings. Patients who have complex cases or multiple conditions are more likely to experience communication challenges and confusion when navigating multiple specialties across the health system. Streamlined communication via eConsult also leads to better-informed decisions and more focused patient care.13
It is indisputable that eConsults improve quality and lower the cost of care. But what is the actual ROI of implementing an eConsult service and encouraging an eConsult-first approach? It is important to remember that an ROI calculation includes more than avoided referrals alone. A 3:1 ROI or greater can be achieved when factoring in patient population variations, soft ROI, eConsult policy, and programmatic uses of eConsults.
To determine true ROI, you’ll need to assess the following costs:
Then calculate the following areas of savings:
Savings further down the list may be more difficult to quantify and capture. If you are interested in working with RubiconMD to estimate your ROI, contact us.
In a world where healthcare costs are soaring, eConsults present a timely solution that leverages technology to foster efficiency, improve access, and ensure higher-quality care. As healthcare systems worldwide grapple with financial constraints, the adoption of eConsults will pave the way for a more sustainable and patient-centric future.
By embracing eConsults, we aren’t just cutting costs; we’re also bringing specialist expertise closer to home, enhancing patient experiences, and ultimately building a more efficient and equitable healthcare system.
Electronic consults, or “eConsults” are asynchronous communications that empower primary care physicians with expert guidance and a present a platform…
Life with multiple chronic conditions is on the rise, particularly for senior patients on Medicare or Medicaid. As healthcare needs…
Over the past decade, eConsults between primary care providers and specialists have proven to enhance care quality and access. Equally…
Explore real examples of specialty care eConsults providing efficient and effective support for medication review and reconciliation.