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Using eConsults to Support Behavioral Health

Published on June 30, 2022  |  By: RubiconMD Clinician Success

eConsult+ brings specialist insights right into the primary care setting, creating access and convenience for patients and healthcare providers alike.

Primary care clinicians use eConsult+ for a variety of clinical needs, including:

  • managing a patient’s condition in the primary care setting by supporting a primary care clinician’s diagnosis or treatment plan
  • helping develop an interim care plan for patients who face long wait times when seeking support from a psychologist or psychiatrist
  • providing follow-up recommendations for developing a treatment plan after screening, additional testing, or surveillance

eConsults can even be used to support behavioral health needs across a variety of specialties and subspecialties, including:

  • Psychiatry (general, pediatric, geriatric, eating disorders, sleep disorders, opioid addiction, other additction, and psychopharmacology)
  • Psychology (general and pediatric)
  • Pain Medicine 

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